
All about Eurovision ESC - YouTube channel

One of my best friends is Adem Kavaz, he is also Cypriot, and actually we live around 5 kilometres away from each other in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia. But in order to meet, we have to pass through check points. And since we are currently living the Covid pandemic period, we can’t meet at all. 

We both are fans of the Eurovision Song Contest, so each year since 2013 we are watching it together (except 2020 that the contest didn’t take place), as it is a fun time for us. One year we even watched it in Greece with some close friends that are also Eurovision fanatics! We still don’t know if this year we will be able to watch it together.

Adem is writing a blog about Eurovision (it’s in Turkish) You can check it here and has also a YouTube channel where he makes interesting videos about Eurovision, the songs he likes, the participants, the national selections of each country, and also interviews with some of the performers. All videos have either English or Turkish subtitles.

Below I will post you the link to find his channel on YouTube so you can also subscribe and get all the news, and also some of my favourite videos. 

The link to the YouTube channel:

Konstandino’s Christoforou interview:

Cyprus entries Top 5

Sweden Entries Top Five

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