
You Are Dearly Loved - Kryon


When I first came to this Planet, I gave you a basic "Kryon metaphor." I told you that when you’re in a dark room, and you light a match, interesting things happen.

The first is that: everyone can see just a little better — everyone. Most of them may not even know the match-bearer, or where the light is coming from, but by having just a little light, everyone benefits.

It’s a metaphor that means that what you do for yourself often is grander than you think and not just for you.

Is it too grand to say that all of the Souls of Humanity might know when you light that match? 

Remember, consciousness has a very large multidimensional footprint. It is not linear.

Some of you are receiving a large awareness right now of this secret and are saying: "I want to hear these things again. I want to start practicing some of these ideas."

If that is you, then you’ve just thrown the switch of intent. For over thirty years, we gave you information about the power of pure intent as an axiom to enhance your life.

That Life-ball that you are pushing uphill in order to get rid of the fears and the anxiety... is starting to be pulled uphill as you push it. Do you feel it?

This is the hidden secret. Free will includes the freedom to now grasp consciousness as an actionable energy that can change your entire reality.

Are you able to start compassionate action in your thinking to everyone, including those you don’t want anything to do with? Can you love a soul, no matter what?

Can you float around your own home, or are you weighed down with fear and challenge, and so much more?

Love changes all. It’s more than just a hand pulling that ball, which is helping you, dear ones. It is your Old Soul destiny.

Indeed, when you start to examine that which you never examined before, you are not traveling an unknown path at all. Instead, you’re on a beautiful path that you have felt belongs to you. You are correct.

All of these things we give you, because we now can. However, most of all, this message is given to you because you "decided to look," and to be with us here today.

This will not be the only time that we present this information in channel, for this is the core information that we came to give you, if you would make it as a civilization past the precession of the equinoxes. You did!

You are bigger than you think – more magnificent than you think. We know your name.

And so it is.

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