
Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Supernova- The Arrow Enchanter by Renan Carvalho

Fantasy books are my favorites as they defy the rules of the world, and they lead you to places that are different from the reality we live. The authors of these books, let their fantasy to create new worlds out of nothing, make their own rules, new tribes, new countries, new forces, new abilities and so much more!
Here we visit Acigam, a city that is about to face an upcoming revolution, as its inhabitants confront their tyrant government in order to be able to use freely their magic and demand rights for the population. 
Leran is a young guy that is about to finish school, when he realizes that has some mysterious ability to enchant objects with the power of elements. When the conflict begins, family secrets, well kept for years, will revealed leaving him with no other option than to be part of the rebellion.
Warlocks (the rebellion people who use magic) will face the Hushers and soldiers of the government in breathtaking battles, where new secrets are revealed,  loyalty is put on test and betrayal among competitors will change the fate of the city.

So if you love fantasy books that combine action, thriller, magic, romance and adventure, you can’t miss this one. 

You can watch the book’s trailer below:

Renan Carvalho was born in São Paulo, Brazil, and grew up with an inexplicable taste for fantasy stories. A lover of games, comics, cartoons, movies, and books, he learned from an early age how to create his own world. He was one of those students writing more than twenty pages in the writing lessons, and always getting low grades for having missed the proposed theme. 

Over the years, he set the fantasy aside and returned to the real world. He graduated in Marketing and started working within his area of formation. Years later, he decided to get the dusty notebooks from his childhood and rediscovered his passion for amazing stories.
His first book, released in 2013, sold out quickly in stores, being considered a perfect blend of thriller, magic, and adventure. 

Follow Renan on social media:
Instagram: @Renan_oc
Facebook page:
Twitter: @RenanOCarvalho

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Elie Wiesel quotes

Elie Wiesel was a Romanian-born American writer, professor, political activist, Nobel laureate, and Holocaust survivor. He authored 57 books, written mostly in French and English, including Night, a work based on his experiences as a Jewish prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. 
To read more click below:


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