Saturday 23:15 (a few months back)
Love is all around

As I was walking through the corridors with thousands of school stuff, I realized I also needed stationery for my Turkish lesson. Due to the economic crisis, I was searching for the lowest price possible when I spotted this exercise book with the motto "Love is all around" printed on it.
I got it without any second thought. It seems lately, that this message is after me in many ways.

You know, under the thread of America bombing Syria, Egypt being on flaming ground and Cyprus being surrounded by warships, I decided not to give up hope. I decided to look at all this and let LOVE fill my heart and hope that love will finally find a way to triumphed and let peace rule our world.
Monday 20:00 (a few months back)
I am a good person/ Am I a good person?
While trying to figure out what kind of articles I will like to post on my block, I realized that there are so many things going around that troubles me, and for which I certainly do not have the answers.
So when writing an article, should I guide you to a conclusion or should I leave it up to you to decide? If I guide you to a conclusion that will mean that either I have all the facts or I have gathered all the propaganda to lead you to where I want and make you believe what I desire for you to believe.
I strongly believe that having all the facts in a subject is kind of difficult to achieve. Even for the most simple matter, different people will have different views and sometimes completely opposite to each other.
Then if I use the facts in a way to present my views in order to give you a 'clear' conclusion (my conclusion) and I achieve that, then I'm on the wrong profession and I should immediately start a career as a politician. Well any how, even this is my conclusion and can also be yours or not.
P.S: I apologize for any grammar mistakes as English is not my mother language.